The Seja Legal com a Amazônia campaign is a joint initiative by representatives of agribusiness, companies and non-governmental organizations defending the environment to combat the theft of public lands in the region. This criminal practice is one of the main causes of illegal deforestation, violence, corruption and economic backwardness in the Amazon.
Half of the deforestation in the Amazon between 2019 and 2021 occurred on public lands. The actions of land grabbers generate deforestation, violence and corruption in the Amazon, resulting in the destruction of Brazil’s natural wealth and intimidating good businesspeople and rural producers who would like to invest in legal alternatives in the region.
Undesignated Public Forests in the Amazon occupy 57.5 million hectares, more than the area of Spain. By law, these lands must remain public forests, intended for conservation, indigenous occupation or sustainable use of their resources, especially by original and traditional populations.
The situation is urgent. Therefore, Seja Legal com a Amazônia joined several organizations to generate knowledge and motivate public agents, mobilizing the private sector and civil society about the allocation of undesignated public lands in the Amazon.
Based on information from IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute), UFPA (Federal University of Pará), Abrampa (Brazilian Association of Members of the Public Ministry of the Environment) and MPF (Federal Public Ministry), the campaign develops opportunities to guide investors and commodity markets regarding the risks of illegality and deforestation involving their productive activities, and means for identifying illegal lands in the Amazon.
Our vision highlights the interconnection between the country’s environmental and economic sustainability. The effective resolution of land grabbing is crucial to attracting foreign investment, ensuring the integrity of our public forests and positioning Brazil as a proactive participant in the international carbon credits market. By allocating these areas, we protect the environment and open new doors for jobs and income, promoting a prosperous future for Brazil.
There is a risk of misinformed investors allocating resources to projects irregularly established on Undesignated Public Forest lands in the Amazon. For Brazil to prosper, it is necessary to clean up the money chain that feeds land grabbing. With guidance and knowledge, everyone involved in financial operations around agribusiness can invest their capital more safely and with benefits for everyone.
Well informed, the market can help finance the solution to the climate emergency. It is increasingly evident that simply reducing greenhouse gas emissions will not be enough to contain global warming. An efficient approach must include large-scale carbon capture, and among the various scientific efforts to achieve this goal, forest regeneration stands out as an effective and economically viable solution.
The area that will be targeted for criminal action is chosen: An area normally located on non-designated public land is selected for criminal action. Conservation units and indigenous lands (which are designated public lands) may also be targets of these groups.
Deforestation and Burning: Groups are hired to clear the chosen land by replacing the forest with pasture. Burning is common at this stage. The idea is to simulate a private property dedicated to livestock. The cost of this process can reach 240 thousands of dollars for an area of one thousand hectares.
Corruption and forged property titles: When the invaded area has been completely devastated, the gang seeks to forge titles to speculate the land. This action is only possible through the payment of bribes and corruption in notary’s offices and other government agencies.
Increased Violence and Crime: It is common for different interest groups to dispute these lands raising the rates of crime and violence in nearby cities and settlements. In case of invasion of indigenous lands the conflict is imminent.
Sale of Public Land and Millionaire Gains: With fake title deeds, huge areas that actually belong to Brazilians are exploited and sold for millions of dollars in a large corruption scheme that benefits a small group to the detriment of every nation’s interests.
Amnesty: It is common that from time to time the National Congress and the states of the Amazon region edit or modify their legislation to legalize those who invaded public lands. This type of practice creates new incentives for land grabbing, and generates billions of losses to public coffers.
Result: Environmental conservation areas, indigenous lands, or undeveloped lands that house the Amazon Rainforest are stolen and sold by organized crime, contributing to the destruction of our natural heritage.